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열방 예찬 교회/교회 소개

열방예찬교회 전도사를 향한 예언

파일명과 달리, 도널드 크롬 목사님입니다. 실제 그 분이 말씀하신 것은 동시 통역과 내용이 많이 다릅니다.

동시 통역은 어렵기 때문에, 전문가가 아닌 이상, 정확하게 곧 바로 해석하기 어렵습니다.

I heard the father began to speak to me yesterday about you.

And he began to show me the great things he plans to do through you and for you in your future.


But I also saw the father requiring great things from you.

Great commitment to him.

In effect I heard he saying that

Because of Great surrender from you to him, he will do great thing through you.


So the Lord is looking for complete surrender from your heart.

Because the words of GOD says that I as the Lord look throughout all over the earth.

And he is searching for a heart that will be completely his.

So that those he can support strongly.


So the father is searching today for a heart that is fully surrender to him.

Willing heart willing to do anything he gives you to do.

And this is the day when Lord's power and presence upon you to strongly support you.


Lord says "I am looking for you to be like David in the old testament."

The father says the reason I did so much through David.

Because David's heart was completely surrender to me.

And even when David sin, he came to ask for a clean heart!

Father said that I forgave David of terrible things.

Father said that I restored David. Because I knew his heart was completely surrender to me.


So I hear the heavenly father say, "my son! If you keep your heart fully surrender to me, I will use you in great ways for my glory!"


So God will seize you like David! The one that no one thought you would become any thing great important!


Even the prophet thought the brothers of David surely among them will be a king!

Because the David's brothers look like kings. They were strong and handsome, powerful. But the father did not choose them. He chose David.


And Lord says, "I have chosen you!"

When other said that you would never become anyone great importance.

The father says that he looks not only outside but also inside of the heart!

So today Lord has seen your heart. He has chosen you!


And even this hour he put his hand upon you!

He put a robe around your shoulders!

He put his own shoes on your feet!

He put his own ring ou your finger!

Because you were chosen by him just like David he has chosen!


And he will use you to bring down many giants in the land!

Just like David brought down Goliath the giant!

God is going to use you to bring down many giants in the land!

Because the Lord has chosen you.


Thank you Lord for the heart of David you had given my brother!

A heart of a worshiper like David had a heart of a worshiper!

Get the heart of the priest! Cause he is always worshiping and praying!

And then God trusted him to be a king!


So today you are his David! He says, "have the heart of a priest"

And he will trust you a position of the king.

So the Lord tell you, "I bless your son today."


I will speak that father's bless over him and I say you will serve the Lord with the heart fully surrender! God will use you like David to bring down giants in the land!

And I pray Lord that you would defeat all your enemies! Bless him even materially and financially as he serve you with all of his heart! In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!